Saturday 14 September 2024

Granton Park

August 2024, Granton

Weather - Sunshine and clouds 

Optional Theme - Black and white 

Refreshments - Morrisons Cafe

Alison captured the men at work on the old Granton gasometer. Her second image is of a beautiful modern building nearby. We were all taken by the clean lines which worked so well in black and white. 

Colin captured this perfectly-timed image of a passenger jet, framed by the struts of the gasometer. His other photos capture more peaceful images of park life. 

Remember that building that Alison photographed? Here it is again - this time as seen by Eileen. I told you those clean lines looked good in black and white. Eileen's last photo is presented in its original colour version - the orange of the jumpsuits standing out against that subdued blue sky. 

Maggie enjoys finding abstract compositions by working on her photos in Photoshop Elements. Her interpretation of the communications mast evokes the feel of a pixelated image from the early days of the internet. Ah ... remember the days before the internet was filled with relentless advertising!  Her final image is a variation on Eileen's interpretation of the men working on the gasometer. This is a more colourful view which emphasises the diagonals of the structure. 

Sandra's photos concentrated on the beauty of the natural life to be found in the park. But she found time for a moody black and white of a detail from a gate. 

Alex wandered home via Granton Harbour, where he captured this serene image of the old wooden jetty at the end of the breakwater. Does anyone else see a big letter A there? His other images are infrared black and whites from Granton Park. 

Ada captured a dreamlike set of abstracts. Her first photo, showing the curve of the boardwalk, foreshadows our theme for next week: curves.  

Granton Park

August 2024, Granton Weather - Sunshine and clouds  Optional Theme - Black and white  Refreshments - Morrisons Cafe Alison captured the men ...